Impressions from the chestnut feast in Kastanitsa

Traditional dances in the central square
Every last weekend of October Kastanitsa celebrates the chestnut, with Kastanitsians from the surrounding areas and immigrants from abroad gathering to celebrate. It is a two-day feast that started in 1983 but it is a revival of a feast that used to take place from the end of the 18th century to the end of the 1930s where it apparently stopped due to the war.
In Kastanitsa is located one of the largest chestnut groves in Greece with 38,000 trees on 4,500 acres with an average annual production of 200 tons. In 1960 the production was 500 tons which was supporting the 700 inhabitants of the village at that time. The variety cultivated is the maroni which has a sweet taste suitable for confectionery and cooking.
Search for accommodation in Kastanitsa
The village in those days is flooded with people. The center of interest is in the central square where traditional dances take place and a treat of boiled chestnuts is offered. The cleanliness despite the crowd is remarkable, a call for respect towards cleanliness is also made through the loudspeakers. For the occasion, the main street from the square to Ai Giannis is named "Chestnut Street" where there are loudspeakers broadcasting the music of the dances.

The main alley or street of the chestnut tree as this weekend is called
The bench of the cultural club sells traditional chestnut-based sweets as well as souvenirs. These sweets are sweet chestnut of the spoon (as we call it in greek), chestnut jam, chestnut paste, chestnut truffles, chestnut bun, chestnut cake and chestnut tart. There are also producers' benches who sell their products.

In front of the bench of the cultural club
The program of events also includes activities for children, local delicacies in St. John's Square and dances in St. John's Square at a different time than in the central square. The Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior is open to admire the altarpiece.

In Ai Giannis square traditional flavours are offered for a low price
Parking is an issue these days. There is a parking lot but it is small, I found a place at the Mana Nerou fountain.
This feast is a just a piece of the love of the Arkadians for their birthplace wherever they are in the world.