Sarakiniko, a lunar beach in Milos

It is said that if the moon had a beach it would be Sarakiniko and if you go there you will see these impressive white-grey rocks. It's a fairytale lunar landscape made by volcanic ash and sculpted by the sea but it's hard to believe it's real, I walked it to admire these natural sculptures in every detail.
The beach is small so most people sit on the rocks and dive in. Sunscreen and sunglasses are imposed because the sun's reflection is intense. To get there a road has been opened where you can easily go down on foot. We respect this monument of nature and make sure not to wear down the rocks because the grains of ash fly away easily and of course we make sure not to leave garbage.
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It got its name from the Saracen pirates who found refuge in these caves. Right next to it, is a natural arch and the famous ash cliffs, a popular spot for both diving and photography.
It is located on the northern side of Milos so it is exposed to the meltemi. It is 5 kilometers from Plaka and 5 kilometers from Adamatas, while you can also go there by the island's public transport. It is needless to say that it is a must visit.